
Deep-sea tephra layers sampled from sediment cores collected within, and adjacent to the Sunda trench of offshore Sumatra reveal evidence for five previously undocumented, and apparently large (minimum volume >0.6–>6.3km3; volcanic explosivity index values of 4–5) explosive eruptions over the last ~31,000years, with a presumptive source of mainland Sumatra. Chemical analysis of glass shards and 14C age constraints are used to distinguish the five tephra layers, as well as a sixth that likely correlates with the Youngest Toba tuff (YTT). The tephra layers are labeled V-1 through V-6 relative to their north-to-south positioning along the Sunda trench. The three tephra layers taken from cores west of central Sumatra (V-3, V-4, V-5) are well-constrained by 14C age determinations, whereas less reliable sedimentation-rate estimates are available for the northern (V-1, V-2) and southern (V-6) tephra layers. Deposition of the northernmost tephra, layer V-1, was likely accompanied by seismicity as two chemically indistinguishable tephras are separated by 12cm of course-grained turbidite. Layer V-2 shows a strong chemical resemblance to the YTT and age estimates do not rule out the correlation. With the exception of a likely correlation with the YTT, no other correlations were made between the tephras analyzed in this study with the marine or terrestrial record from the published literature. The most frequent, widespread, and youngest marine tephra layers were found in the central region of the study area. Layers V-3, V-4, and V-5 were all deposited within the last 17 thousand years with minimum eruptive volumes of >0.6 to >5.2km3. A complex depositional sequence of layer V-6 is estimated at ~27.5ka, and may be associated with Late Pleistocene ignimbrite volcanism of southern Sumatra. The ages and suggested minimum volumes represented by the deep-sea tephra layers are consistent with an active volcanic arc, and demonstrate the need for further terrestrial studies.

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