
The accurate detection of the mobile context information of public transportation vehicles and their passengers is a key feature to realize intelligent transportation systems. A topical example is in-vehicle presence detection that can, e.g., be used to ticket passengers automatically. Unfortunately, most existing solutions in this field suffer from low spatiotemporal accuracy which impedes their use in practice. In previous work, we addressed this challenge through a deep learning-based framework, called DeepMatch, that allows us to detect in-vehicle presence with a high degree of accuracy. DeepMatch utilizes the smartphone of a passenger to analyse and match the event streams of its own sensors with the event streams of counterpart sensors provided by a reference unit that is installed inside the vehicle. This is achieved through a new learning model architecture using Stacked Convolutional Autoencoders to compress sensor input streams by feature extraction and dimensionality reduction as well as a deep convolutional neural network to match the streams of the user phone and the reference device. The sensor stream compression is offloaded to the smartphone, while the matching is performed in a server. In this paper, we introduce DeepMatch2. It is an amended version of DeepMatch that reduces the amount of data to be transferred from the user and reference devices to the server by the factor of four. Further, DeepMatch2 improves the already good accuracy of DeepMatch from 97.81% to 98.51%. Moreover, we propose a travel inference algorithm, based on DeepMatch2, to detect the duration of whole passenger trips in public transport vehicles with a high degree of precision. This is needed to create intelligent and highly reliable auto-ticketing systems. Thanks to the high accuracy of 98.51% by DeepMatch2, the inferences can be carried out with a negligible error rate.


  • In recent years, the rapid development of mobile technologies, IoT and cellular network infrastructures has led to new unprecedented opportunities for making public transportation a very environment-friendly mode of travelling more attractive

  • To address the challenge of in-vehicle presence detection as an important aspect of mobile context analysis, we introduced our proposed deep learning-based approach, called DeepMatch and its improved version DeepMatch2

  • Our approach utilizes the sensor event streams of smartphones to predict their presence inside public transportation vehicles with an accuracy of 98.51% in the case of DeepMatch2

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The rapid development of mobile technologies, IoT and cellular network infrastructures has led to new unprecedented opportunities for making public transportation a very environment-friendly mode of travelling more attractive. To realize in-vehicle presence detection with a high degree of accuracy, in our previous work, we proposed a deep learningbased framework, called DeepMatch [9]. The result of the improvements is a new version of our deep learning-based framework that we call DeepMatch2 In [9], we provided only a short sketch about how one can use the results of DeepMatch to detect whole trips of passengers in public transport vehicles with a high degree of precision. We go much deeper into this topic and discuss travelling user inference systems that are based on DeepMatch and can infer if and for which period of time a passenger makes a trip in a public transportation vehicle with a very low error rate.

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Communication technology-based solutions
Mobile sensor data analytics-based solutions
Hardware requirements and system settings
Mobile data analysis
Design and architecture of the learning model
Encoder and decoder
Matching module
Model training
Design rationale and experimental settings of the DeepMatch2 model
Dimensionality reduction
Accuracy improvement
Evaluating the deep learning models
Data collection and dataset creation
Metrics to evaluate learning models
Sensor modality experiments
Comparing DeepMatch with two baseline methods
Prediction performance of DeepMatch2
Battery consumption on smartphones
Computational overhead on smartphones
Travelling user inference
Travelling times between adjacent bus stops
User travel inference algorithm
Considering different forms of fault tolerance
A more formal look at the trade off between NTF and TF
Declaration of competing interest
Conclusions and future work
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Paper version not known

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