
Deep learning has been used in computer vision to accomplish many tasks that were previously considered too complex or resource-intensive to be feasible. One remarkable application is the creation of deepfakes. Deepfake images change or manipulate a person’s face to give a different expression or identity by using generative models. Deepfakes applied to videos can change the facial expressions in a manner to associate a different speech with a person than the one originally given. Deepfake videos pose a serious threat to legal, political, and social systems as they can destroy the integrity of a person. Research solutions are being designed for the detection of such deepfake content to preserve privacy and combat fake news. This study details the existing deepfake video creation techniques and provides an overview of the deepfake datasets that are publicly available. More importantly, we provide an overview of the deepfake detection methods, along with a discussion on the issues, challenges, and future research directions. The study aims to present an all-inclusive overview of deepfakes by providing insights into the deepfake creation techniques and the latest detection methods, facilitating the development of a robust and effective deepfake detection solution.

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