
As an essential network service, the Domain Name System (DNS) is widely abused by attackers, making malicious domain detection a crucial task when combating cybercrimes. The increasing sophistication of attackers calls for new detection methods against novel threats and evasions. In this paper, we analyze the DNS scene and design an intelligent malicious domain detection system, named DeepDom. With joint consideration of both domain’s local features and their global associations, DeepDom is more accurate and is harder for attackers to evade. In DeepDom, we first represent the DNS scene as a Heterogeneous Information Network (HIN) with diverse entities like clients, domains, IP addresses, and accounts to capture richer information. Then, considering the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of DNS, we propose a novel Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) method named SHetGCN to inductively classify domain nodes in the HIN. By guiding the convolution operations with meta-path based short random walks, SHetGCN can jointly handle node features together with structural information and support inductive node embedding. We build a prototype of DeepDom and validate its effectiveness with comprehensive experiments over the DNS data collected from a real-world network, CERNET2. The comparison results demonstrate that our approaches outperform other state-of-the-art techniques.

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