
This contribution deals with geological setting of Mt. Kobla which is situated in the central part of the Bohinj ridge, and brings a review of the previous geological studies in the area. The first detailed studies are closely related to a 6334 m long Bohinjska Bistrica-Podbrdo railway tunnel which was opened in 1906. The tunnel is constructed just under the peak of Mt. Kobla and encompasses 8 lithological members. The second period of intensive geological studies is related to elaboration of the Basic Geological Map, scale 1:100.000, Sheet Tolmin that were carried out from 1969-1987. During this time, Middle Triassic to Late Cretaceous existence of Slovenian Basin and two platforms in western Slovenia was established. In the past decade geological studies in the area have been focused on detailed stratigraphy and lithology. The analysis of conodont assemblages and foraminifers indicates that a part of limestone classified in Basic Geological Map as Lower Jurassic are actually of the Upper Triassic age. Jurassic sediments in Mt. Kobla were settled in deep-marine environment of the Slovenian Basin. Limestone breccias and calcarenites were transported by gravitational currents from the shelf edge to the slope and to the basin. In Lower Jurassic calcarenite with abundant reworked ooids and crinoids occur.


  • The first detailed studies are closely related to a 6334 m long Bohinjska Bistrica-Podbrdo railway tunnel which was opened in 1906

  • Limestone breccias and calcarenites were transported by gravitational currents from the shelf edge to the slope and to the basin

  • Njegove ugotovitve so temeljile na osnovi takrat novega koncepta o tektoniki plošč

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Globljevodne triasne in jurske plasti na Kobli

Deep-water Triassic and Jurassic beds from Mt. Kobla (W Slovenia) t Stanko BUSER1 & Bojan OGORELEC2. Ključne besede Slovenski bazen, zgornji trias, jura, mikrofacies, bohinjski železniški predor, Kobla, Slovenija Key ivords: Slovenian Basin, Upper Triassic, Jurassic, microfacies, Bohinj railway tunnel, Mt. Kobla, Slovenia. Izvleček Prispevek prikazuje geološke razmere na Kobli v osrednjem delu Bohinjskega grebena ter zgoščen zgodovinski pregled raziskav. Drugo obdobje raziskav v letih 1969-1987 predstavlja izdelavo Osnovne geološke karte lista Tolmin v merilu 1 : 100.000, v okviru katere je bil ugotovljen obstoj Slovenskega bazena in dveh platform v času od srednjega triasa do konca krede v zahodni Sloveniji. V zadnjem obdobju pa so bile geološke raziskave na prostoru Koble osredotočene na podrobno stratigrafijo in litologijo. Stanko Buser pričel o tej objavi razmišljati po svoji vrnitvi z mesta veleposlanika v Švici pred nekaj leti. Nekateri stavki in misli v objavi sicer niso dokončno oblikovani in izpiljeni, kljub temu pa čutim do pokojnika dolžnost, da sem zbrano gradivo pripravil za objavo

Dosedanje raziskave
Profil Kohla
Mz irkoržitennicai pnenec
Kalkarenit in apnenčeve breče ter podrejeno mikritni apnenec
Oolitni in krinoidni kalkarenit
Radiolarijski roženec
Sedimentacijsko okolje
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