
The late Early to early Middle Ordovician Fjellvollen Formation, Central Norwegian Caledonides, is a part of the Ilfjellet Group volcano-sedimentary succession formed in a rift basin that opened along the Laurentian margin. Depositional facies and trace fossils indicate the Nereites ichnofacies, typically found in distal turbidites and deep marine deposits. The recovered trace fossils include ?Alcyonidiopsis, Chondrites, Dictyodora, Gordia, Helminthoidichnites, Macaronichnus, Monomorphichnus, Nereites, Oikobesalon, Palaeophycus, Protovirgularia and Treptichnus. No body-fossils have been reported from the Fjellvollen Formation, but the trace fossils indicate the presence of varied epi- and infaunas of arthropods, bivalves, gastropods and polychaets. The abundance of meandering and looping trace fossils is comparable to what is found in the inferrably time-equivalent Vuddudalen Group farther north, although lack of graphoglyptids like Megagrapton in the Fjellvollen Formation may indicate more proximal, unstable depositional conditions in fan-fringe and adjacent basin-plain settings.

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