
Of 154 Chinese patients who underwent gynaecological operations, four showed a positive 125I fibrinogen leg scan for venous thrombosis, and overall incidence of 2 . 6%. In those who were on oral contraceptives and had major pelvic surgery for benign conditions, the incidence was 10 . 5%; in those who had Wertheim hysterectomy for carcinoma of cervix, it was 6 . 7%. This confirms the rarity of post-operative thromboembolism in the Chinese. Fragment E showed a biphasic rise after major operation due to tissue injury and venous thrombosis. In patients with malignancy, the postoperative 'fibrinolytic shutdown', represented by decreased plasminogen activator together with increased alpha 1 antitrypsin and C1- inhibitor levels, was more marked. In addition, alpha 2 macroglobulin level was lower and fell significantly after operation. In patients on oral contraceptives, fragment E levels were higher after surgery and there was no decrease in plasminogen activator levels. Antithrombin III levels did not fall except in three of the four patients with venous thrombosis. A marked increase in fragment E level and a decrease in antithrombin III level might be useful diagnostic markers for postoperative venous thrombosis.

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