
Existing image and video denoising algorithms have focused on removing homogeneous Gaussian noise. However, this assumption with noise modeling is often too simplistic for the characteristics of real-world noise. Moreover, the design of network architectures in most deep learning-based video denoising methods is heuristic, ignoring valuable domain knowledge. In this paper, we propose a model-guided deep unfolding network for the more challenging and realistic mixed noise video denoising problem, named DU-MVDnet. First, we develop a novel observation model/likelihood function based on the correlations among adjacent degraded frames. In the framework of Bayesian deep learning, we introduce a deep image denoiser prior and obtain an iterative optimization algorithm based on the maximum a posterior (MAP) estimation. To facilitate end-to-end optimization, the iterative algorithm is transformed into a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)-based implementation. Furthermore, recognizing the limitations of traditional motion estimation and compensation methods, we propose an efficient multistage recursive fusion strategy to exploit temporal dependencies. Specifically, we divide video frames into several overlapping groups and progressively integrate these frames into one frame. Toward this objective, we implement a multiframe adaptive aggregation operation to integrate feature maps of intragroup with those of intergroup frames. Extensive experimental results on different video test datasets have demonstrated that the proposed model-guided deep network outperforms current state-of-the-art video denoising algorithms such as FastDVDnet and MAP-VDNet.

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