
Hashing has been drawing increasing attention in the task of large-scale image retrieval owing to its storage and computation efficiency, especially the recent asymmetric deep hashing methods. These approaches treat the query and database in an asymmetric way and can take full advantage of the whole training data. Though it has achieved state-of-the-art performance, asymmetric deep hashing methods still suffer from the large quantization error and efficiency problem on large-scale datasets due to the tight coupling between the query and database. In this article, we propose a novel asymmetric hashing method, called D eep U ncoupled D iscrete H ashing (DUDH), for large-scale approximate nearest neighbor search. Instead of directly preserving the similarity between the query and database, DUDH first exploits a small similarity-transfer image set to transfer the underlying semantic structures from the database to the query and implicitly keep the desired similarity. As a result, the large similarity matrix is decomposed into two relatively small ones and the query is decoupled from the database. Then both database codes and similarity-transfer codes are directly learned during optimization. The quantization error of DUDH only exists in the process of preserving similarity between the query and similarity-transfer set. By uncoupling the query from the database, the training cost of optimizing the CNN model for the query is no longer related to the size of the database. Besides, to further accelerate the training process, we propose to optimize the similarity-transfer codes with a constant-approximation solution. In doing so, the training cost of optimizing similarity-transfer codes can be almost ignored. Extensive experiments on four widely used image retrieval benchmarks demonstrate that DUDH can achieve state-of-the-art retrieval performance with remarkable training cost reduction (30× - 50× relative).

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