
This article presents a new methodology called Deep Theory of Functional Connections (TFC) that estimates the solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs) by combining neural networks with the TFC. The TFC is used to transform PDEs into unconstrained optimization problems by analytically embedding the PDE’s constraints into a “constrained expression” containing a free function. In this research, the free function is chosen to be a neural network, which is used to solve the now unconstrained optimization problem. This optimization problem consists of minimizing a loss function that is chosen to be the square of the residuals of the PDE. The neural network is trained in an unsupervised manner to minimize this loss function. This methodology has two major differences when compared with popular methods used to estimate the solutions of PDEs. First, this methodology does not need to discretize the domain into a grid, rather, this methodology can randomly sample points from the domain during the training phase. Second, after training, this methodology produces an accurate analytical approximation of the solution throughout the entire training domain. Because the methodology produces an analytical solution, it is straightforward to obtain the solution at any point within the domain and to perform further manipulation if needed, such as differentiation. In contrast, other popular methods require extra numerical techniques if the estimated solution is desired at points that do not lie on the discretized grid, or if further manipulation to the estimated solution must be performed.


  • Partial differential equations (PDEs) are a powerful mathematical tool that is used to model physical phenomena, and their solutions are used to simulate, design, and verify the design of a variety of systems

  • The neural network used to estimate the solution to this PDE was a fully connected neural network with four hidden layers and 30 neurons per layer

  • This article demonstrated how to combine neural networks with the Theory of Functional Connections (TFC) into a new methodology, called Deep TFC, that was used to estimate the solutions of PDEs

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Partial differential equations (PDEs) are a powerful mathematical tool that is used to model physical phenomena, and their solutions are used to simulate, design, and verify the design of a variety of systems. PDEs are used in multiple fields including environmental science, engineering, finance, medical science, and physics, to name a few. Many methods exist to approximate the solutions of PDEs. The most famous of these methods is the finite element method (FEM) [1,2,3]. FEM has been incredibly successful in approximating the solution to PDEs in a variety of fields including structures, fluids, and acoustics.

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