
In this paper, we propose two novel components for improving deep salient object detection models. The first component, called saliency detection network (S-Net), introduces dense short- and long-range connections that effectively integrate multiscale features to better exploit contexts at multiple levels. Benefiting from the direct access to low- and high-level features, the S-Net can not only exploit the object context but also preserve the object boundary sharply, leading to enhanced saliency detection performance. Second, a distraction detection network (D-Net) is developed to learn to diagnose which regions of an input image are distracting and harmful for saliency prediction of the S-Net. With such distraction diagnosis, the regions that are distracting to S-Net are removed in hindsight from the input image and the resulted distraction-free image is fed to S-Net for saliency prediction. To train the D-Net, a distraction mining approach is proposed to localize the model-specific distracting regions through examining the sensitiveness of the S-Net to image regions in a principled manner. Besides, the distraction mining approach also provides a way to interpret decisions made by deep neural network (DNN) saliency detection models, which relieves the black-box issues of DNNs to some extent. Extensive experiments on seven popular benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined S-Net and D-Net, which provides new state of the arts.

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