
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have overtaken classic machine learning algorithms due to their superior performance in big data analysis in a broad range of applications. On the other hand, in recent years Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) has become more widespread in which a client uses cloud services for analyzing its data. However, the client's data may be sensitive which raises privacy concerns. In this paper, we address the issue of privacy preserving classification in a Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) settings and focus on convolutional neural networks (CNN). To achieve this goal, we develop new techniques to run CNNs over encrypted data. First, we design methods to approximate commonly used activation functions in CNNs (i.e. ReLU, Sigmoid, and Tanh) with low degree polynomials which is essential for a practical and efficient solution. Then, we train CNNs with approximation polynomials instead of original activation functions and implement CNNs classification over encrypted data. We evaluate the performance of our modified models at each step. The results of our experiments using several CNNs with a varying number of layers and structures are promising. When applied to the MNIST optical character recognition tasks, our approach achieved 99.25% accuracy which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art solutions and is close to the accuracy of the best non-private version. Furthermore, it can make up to 164000 predictions per hour. These results show that our approach provides accurate, efficient, and scalable privacy-preserving predictions in CNNs.

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