
Aiming to promptly process the massive fault data and automatically provide accurate diagnosis results, numerous studies have been conducted on intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. Among these studies, the methods based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) are commonly used, which employ signal processing techniques for extracting features and further input the features to ANNs for classifying faults. Though these methods did work in intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery, they still have two deficiencies. (1) The features are manually extracted depending on much prior knowledge about signal processing techniques and diagnostic expertise. In addition, these manual features are extracted according to a specific diagnosis issue and probably unsuitable for other issues. (2) The ANNs adopted in these methods have shallow architectures, which limits the capacity of ANNs to learn the complex non-linear relationships in fault diagnosis issues. As a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, deep learning holds the potential to overcome the aforementioned deficiencies. Through deep learning, deep neural networks (DNNs) with deep architectures, instead of shallow ones, could be established to mine the useful information from raw data and approximate complex non-linear functions. Based on DNNs, a novel intelligent method is proposed in this paper to overcome the deficiencies of the aforementioned intelligent diagnosis methods. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated using datasets from rolling element bearings and planetary gearboxes. These datasets contain massive measured signals involving different health conditions under various operating conditions. The diagnosis results show that the proposed method is able to not only adaptively mine available fault characteristics from the measured signals, but also obtain superior diagnosis accuracy compared with the existing methods.

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