
As the amount of internet movie data grows rapidly, traditional movie recommendation systems face increasing challenges. They typically rely on statistical algorithms such as item-based or user-based collaborative filtering. However, these algorithms struggle to handle large-scale data and often fail to capture the complexity and contextual information of user behavior. Therefore, deep learning techniques have been widely applied to movie recommendation systems. This paper reviews movie recommendation algorithms based on traditional statistical models and introduces three main deep learning techniques: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). ANN can extract features at different levels of users and movies; CNN can capture features of movie posters and movie data to recommend similar movies; RNN can consider user historical behavior and contextual information to better understand user interests and demands. The application of these deep learning techniques can enhance the accuracy and user experience of movie recommendation systems. This paper also demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of these models and their specific application methods in movie recommendation systems, and points out the direction for further development and improvement of deep learning models in this field.

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