
Real-time heuristic search algorithms are used for creating agents that rely on local information and move in a bounded amount of time making them an excellent candidate for video games as planning time can be controlled. Path finding on video game maps has become the de facto standard for evaluating real-time heuristic search algorithms. Over the years researchers have worked to identify areas where these algorithms perform poorly in an attempt to mitigate their weaknesses. Recent work illustrates the benefits of tailoring algorithms for a given problem as performance is heavily dependent on the search space. In order to determine which algorithm to select for solving the search problems on a map the developer would have to run all the algorithms in consideration to obtain the correct choice. Our work extends the previous algorithm selection approach to use a deep learning classifier to select the algorithm to use on new maps without having to evaluate the algorithms on the map. To do so we select a portfolio of algorithms and train a classifier to predict which portfolio member to use on a unseen new map. Our empirical results show that selecting algorithms dynamically can outperform the single best algorithm from the portfolio on new maps, as well provide the lower bound for potential improvements to motivate further work on this approach.

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