
Logo detection has gradually become a research hotspot in the field of computer vision and multimedia for its various applications, such as social media monitoring, intelligent transportation, and video advertising recommendation. Recent advances in this area are dominated by deep learning-based solutions, where many datasets, learning strategies, network architectures, and loss functions have been employed. This article reviews the advance in applying deep learning techniques to logo detection. First, we discuss a comprehensive account of public datasets designed to facilitate performance evaluation of logo detection algorithms, which tend to be more diverse, more challenging, and more reflective of real life. Next, we perform an in-depth analysis of the existing logo detection strategies and their strengths and weaknesses of each learning strategy. Subsequently, we summarize the applications of logo detection in various fields, from intelligent transportation and brand monitoring to copyright and trademark compliance. Finally, we analyze the potential challenges and present the future directions for the development of logo detection. This study aims better to inform readers about the current state of logo detection and encourage more researchers to get involved in logo detection.

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