
Cybersecurity faces constant challenges from increasingly sophisticated network attacks. Recent research shows machine learning can improve attack detection by training models on large labeled datasets. However, obtaining sufficient labeled data is difficult for internal networks. We propose a deep transfer learning model to learn common knowledge from domains with different features and distributions. The model has two feature projection networks to transform heterogeneous features into a common space, and a classification network then predicts transformed features into labels. To align probability distributions for two domains, maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) is used to compute distribution distance alongside classification loss. Though the target domain only has a few labeled samples, unlabeled samples are adequate for computing MMD to align unconditional distributions. In addition, we apply a soft classification scheme on unlabeled data to compute MMD over classes to further align conditional distributions. Experiments between NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CICIDS2017 validate that the method substantially improves cross-domain network attack detection accuracy.

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