
Abstract: Polynomials are algebraic expressions involving a sum of powers in one or more variables multiplied by its coefficients. If x is a variable, a0x n +a1x n-1 +a2x n-2 +....+an then it's a (n) powers polynomial. Human is capable to solve this type of mathematical problems. In this work, we propose a system in which machines can achieve the cognitional skills that can understand the problem by visual context. By taking an input image of Handwritten polynomial equations and simplifies the problem by generating the answer as an output. Here machine can able to solve quadratic, cubic, quartic, quantic, sextic as well as (n) powers polynomials. This proposed work can be workable in an embedded system as well as a mobile application. In this scope for recognition purposes, we use a CNN model. Robust handwritten character recognition is a tricky job in the area of image processing. Among all the problem handwritten mathematical expression recognition is one of the complicated issue in the area of computer vision research. Segmentation and classification of specific character makes the task more difficult. In this paper a group of handwritten quadratic equation as well as a single quadratic equation are considered to recognize and make a solution for those equations. Horizontal compact projection analysis and combined connected component analysis methods are used for segmentation. For classification of specific character we apply Convolutional Neural Network. Each of the correct detection, character string operation is used for the solution of the equation. The proposed workflow system automatically simplifies the Handwritten polynomial equation and has been done a really good performance. Developing an automatic equation recognizer and solver has been a desire of the researchers who worked in the field of NLP for many years.

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