
For automatic EEG diagnosis, this paper presents a new EEG data set with well-organized clinical annotations called Chung-Ang University Hospital EEG (CAUEEG), which has event history, patient’s age, and corresponding diagnosis labels. We also designed two reliable evaluation tasks for the low-cost, non-invasive diagnosis to detect brain disorders: i) CAUEEG-Dementia with normal, mci, and dementia diagnostic labels and ii) CAUEEG-Abnormal with normal and abnormal. Based on the CAUEEG dataset, this paper proposes a new fully end-to-end deep learning model, called the CAUEEG End-to-end Deep neural Network (CEEDNet). CEEDNet pursues to bring all the functional elements for the EEG analysis in a seamless learnable fashion while restraining non-essential human intervention. Extensive experiments showed that our CEEDNet significantly improves the accuracy compared with existing methods, such as machine learning methods and Ieracitano-CNN (Ieracitano et al., 2019), due to taking full advantage of end-to-end learning. The high ROC-AUC scores of 0.9 on CAUEEG-Dementia and 0.86 on CAUEEG-Abnormal recorded by our CEEDNet models demonstrate that our method can lead potential patients to early diagnosis through automatic screening.

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