
Abstract: The size of the medical information system is growing gradually. Due to this, traditional data analysis for extracting helpful information for any disease has become inefficient in providing accurate real-time valid information. Traditional data mining and statistical learning techniques, which lack sufficient domain knowledge on a complicatedly colossal amount of data, need to stop adopting new advances in deep learning technologies. Thus, the use of sophisticated machines with in-depth understanding and analysis capability is vital to provide real-time information in detecting and diagnosing diseases in the healthcare system. In this paper, we study recent deep learning approaches which are capable of working on high-dimensional and multi-dimensional data. These approaches have been deployed to identify the root cause of various diseases like Cancer, Lung Diseases, Heart Diseases, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Alzheimer’s, Dengue, Parkinson’s, etc. : In this study, our key contributions are: 1: A decent overview of the deep learning techniques. 2: Several modalities in the diagnosis of various diseases. 3: Set out recent trends in various applications of deep learning in healthcare, some of which are analysis and diagnosis of medical images, precision medicine, drug discovery, predictive analysis to support clinical decisions, and sustainable public health. 4: Several deep learning approaches with their performance are described in detail. 5: Although deep learning has achieved notable performance in detecting AD, there are several limitations, especially the availability of the patient’s data for training deep learning models on a particular disease is comparatively much less than required.

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