
We study polarized deep inelastic scattering of charged leptons from spin-1/2 hadrons at low values of the Bjorken parameter and large ’t Hooft coupling in terms of the gauge/string theory duality. We calculate the structure functions from type IIB superstring theory scattering amplitudes. We discuss the role of the non-Abelian Chern-Simons term and the Pauli term from the five-dimensional SU(4) gauged supergravity. Furthermore, the exponentially small-x regime where Regge physics becomes important is analyzed in detail for the antisymmetric structure functions. In this case the holographic dual picture of the Pomeron exchange is realized by a Reggeized gauge field. We compare our results with experimental data of the proton antisymmetric structure function g1, obtaining a very good level of agreement.


  • Of a spin-1/2 hadron is usually written in terms of symmetric (S) and antisymmetric (A) tensors under Lorentz indices exchange [1, 2]1

  • We study polarized deep inelastic scattering of charged leptons from spin-1/2 hadrons at low values of the Bjorken parameter and large ’t Hooft coupling in terms of the gauge/string theory duality

  • This approach leads to effective Lagrangians from which one can construct the leading-diagram contributions which are t-channel Feynman diagrams in the bulk theory. Their corresponding schematic representation is shown in figure 3. This is related to the Feynman diagrams presented in figure 4, corresponding to the √calculations of√the symmetric and antisymmetric structure functions in the range exp (− λ) x 1/ λ that we introduce in sections 2 and 3, respectively

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Heuristic derivation of the effective Lagrangian

We are interested in the calculation of the t-channel supergravity process at tree-level, but in this case the exchanged field has spin one. The Chern-Simons term involves the full set of non-Abelian gauge fields ACm associated to the SU(4) symmetry group. It is easy to see that the t-channel propagating gauge boson ACm can only have color numbers C = 8 or C = 15 (see for example [3, 4]). These indices are associated with two diagonal matrices in the Lie algebra of SU(4). The idea is to write a heuristic effective Lagrangian, for which we have to consider the corresponding t-channel gauge field propagator and couple the ACm coming from the Chern-Simons current to the dilatino current. A similar method can be used for the Pauli term contribution

Derivation from the string theory scattering amplitude
Symmetric structure functions
Antisymmetric structure functions
Analysis of the results and conclusions
Structure functions results at low x
New predictions for g1 and comparison with COMPASS data
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