
Using non-linear evolution equations of QCD, we compute the von Neumann entropy of the system of partons resolved by deep inelastic scattering at a given Bjorken $x$ and momentum transfer $q^2 = - Q^2$. We interpret the result as the entropy of entanglement between the spatial region probed by deep inelastic scattering and the rest of the proton. At small $x$ the relation between the entanglement entropy $S(x)$ and the parton distribution $xG(x)$ becomes very simple: $S(x) = \ln[ xG(x) ]$. In this small $x$, large rapidity $Y$ regime, all partonic micro-states have equal probabilities -- the proton is composed by an exponentially large number $\exp(\Delta Y)$ of micro-states that occur with equal and exponentially small probabilities $\exp(-\Delta Y)$, where $\Delta$ is defined by $xG(x) \sim 1/x^\Delta$. For this equipartitioned state, the entanglement entropy is maximal -- so at small $x$, deep inelastic scattering probes a {\it maximally entangled state}. We propose the entanglement entropy as an observable that can be studied in deep inelastic scattering. This will require event-by-event measurements of hadronic final states, and would allow to study the transformation of entanglement entropy into the Boltzmann one. We estimate that the proton is represented by the maximally entangled state at $x \leq 10^{-3}$; this kinematic region will be amenable to studies at the Electron Ion Collider.

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