
Abstract. Deep learning has achieved impressive results on hyperspectral images (HSIs) classification. Among them, supervised learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and semi-supervised learning graph neural networks (GNNs) are the two main network frameworks. However, 1) the supervised learning CNN faces the problem of high model time complexity as the number of network layers deepens; 2) the semi-supervised learning GNN faces the problem of high spatial complexity due to the computation of adjacency relations. In this paper, a novel dynamic graph convolutional HSI classification method is proposed, which is called dynamic graph convolutional networks (DGCNet). We first obtain two classification features by implementing flattening and global average pooling operation on the results of the convolution layer, which fully exploits the spatial-spectral information contained in the hyperspectral data. Then the dynamic graph convolution module is applied to extract the intrinsic structural information of each patch. Finally, HSI is classified based on spatial, spectral and structural features. DGCNet uses three branches to process multiple features of HSI in parallel and is trained in a supervised learning manner. In addition, DropBlock and label smoothing regularization techniques are applied to further improve the generalization capability of the model. Comparative experiments show that our proposed algorithm is comparable with the state-of-the art supervised learning models in terms of accuracy while also significantly outperforming in terms of time.

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