
ABSTRACT Demosaicking is a popular scientific area that is being explored by a vast number of scientists. Current digital imaging technologies capture colour images with a single monochrome sensor. In addition, the colour images were captured using a sensor coupled with a Colour Filter Array (CFA). Furthermore, the demosaicking procedure is required to obtain a full-colour image. Image denoising and image demosaicking are the two important image restoration techniques, which have increased popularity in recent years. Finding a suitable strategy for multiple image restoration is critical for researchers. Hence, a deep learning (DL) based image denoising and image demosaicking is developed in this research. Moreover, the Autoregressive Circle Wave Optimization (ACWO) based Demosaicking Convolutional Neural Network (DMCNN) is designed for image demosaicking. The Quantum Wavelet Transform (QWT) is used in the image denoising process. Similarly, Quantum Wavelet Transform (QWT) is used to analyse the abrupt changes in the input image with noise. The transformed image is then subjected to a thresholding technique, which determines an appropriate threshold range. Once the threshold range has been determined, soft thresholding is applied to the resulting wavelet coefficients. After that, the extraction and reconstruction of the original image is carried out using the Inverse Quantum Wavelet Transform (IQWT). Finally, the fused image is created by combining the results of both processes using a weighted average. The denoised and demosaicked images are combined using the weighted average technique. Furthermore, the proposed QWT+DMCNN-ACWO model provided the ideal values of Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Second derivative like measure of enhancement (SDME), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), Figure of Merit (FOM) of 0.890, and computational time of 49.549 dB, 59.53 dB, 0.963, 0.890, and 0.571, respectively.

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