
The Borborema Province BP (NE Brazil) consists of a complex rock mosaic composed mainly by Proterozoic metasedimentary belts that amalgamate Archean-to-Paleoproterozoic gneiss-migmatite complexes. It is a key region to understand the West Gondwana amalgamation, during the Pan-African/Brasiliano orogeny because it is an important portion of the orogen located between the São Francisco-Congo and West African cratons. We present the deep-rooted crustal framework of the BP interpreting the lateral contrasts of density and magnetization using the first available regional coverage of gravity and aeromagnetic data. The external boundaries of the BP having deep-rooted crustal significance are the Transbrasiliano shear zone, to the west, and the limit with the São Francisco craton, to the south. The latter limit is marked by a gravity anomaly which is the typical gravity signature of collisional sutures. Inside the BP crustal block, the Pernambuco, Patos, and Jaguaribe shear zones are identified as the major structures, based on termination and/or truncation criteria of geophysical anomalies. The three shear zones correspond to geophysical lineaments which conform with the Transbrasiliano shear zone, forming a single splay that opens to the northeast/east direction. The external boundaries and major shear zones divide the BP crustal block into four internal major domains of contrasting geophysical characteristics, namely the Southern, Transversal Zone, Rio Grande do Norte, and Ceará geophysical domains in analogy with the division based on surface geology. However, compared with the delimitations based on surface geology, there are three differences: the Médio Coreau belt is not positioned over the BP crustal block, a portion of the Parnaíba basin baseament should be included in the BP crustal block, and the basement beneath the folded-and-thrusted metasedimentary rocks of the Casa Nova Group (which form the nappes of the Riacho do Pontal belt) is part of the São Francisco craton crustal block. A subdivision of each major domain is also presented. Of special relevance is a pattern of alternate-polarity, quasi-parallel aligned geophysical anomalies present in the Transversal Zone domain, suggesting a clear alternation of high-density/high-susceptibility with low-density/low-susceptibility deep-rooted crustal subdomains. This geophysical pattern is compatible with a tectonic model of terrane collage.

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