
Due to ability to estimate the spatial transformation of coordinate frames, point cloud registration is a fundamental technique in manufacturing. Previous methods prone to converge to wrong local minima, in the cases of large initialization, noise, outliers, and partiality. This study presents a new learning-based robust point cloud registration approach to predict a rigid transformation in a one-shot way. Our network aims to determine a matchability matrix to yield an accurate registration result. Each element of the matchability matrix refers to similarity of learned per-point embeddings and represents the probability of a potential correspondence. Two major blocks are developed to guide the matchability matrix to represent correct correspondences: 1) an attention block is introduced to enhance the discriminativeness of learned per-point embeddings; 2) a zero-mean Gaussian based annealing layer and a differentiable Sinkhorn normalization layer are designed to enforce a permutation matchability matrix. With the matchability matrix, an intuitive solution is integrated to obtain the relative transformation of the source and target point clouds. Different from existing work, our network can handle partially overlapped point-cloud pairs effectively. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over the state-of-the-art registration approaches in terms of accuracy and robustness.

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