
We propose a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) method for natural image matting. Our method takes multiple initial alpha mattes of the previous methods and normalized RGB color images as inputs, and directly learns an end-to-end mapping between the inputs and reconstructed alpha mattes. Among the various existing methods, we focus on using two simple methods as initial alpha mattes: the closed-form matting and KNN matting. They are complementary to each other in terms of local and nonlocal principles. A major benefit of our method is that it can "recognize" different local image structures and then combine the results of local (closed-form matting) and nonlocal (KNN matting) mattings effectively to achieve higher quality alpha mattes than both of the inputs. Furthermore, we verify extendability of the proposed network to different combinations of initial alpha mattes from more advanced techniques such as KL divergence matting and information-flow matting. On the top of deep CNN matting, we build an RGB guided JPEG artifacts removal network to handle JPEG block artifacts in alpha matting. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed deep CNN matting produces visually and quantitatively high-quality alpha mattes. We perform deeper experiments including studies to evaluate the importance of balancing training data and to measure the effects of initial alpha mattes and also consider results from variant versions of the proposed network to analyze our proposed DCNN matting. In addition, our method achieved high ranking in the public alpha matting evaluation dataset in terms of the sum of absolute differences, mean squared errors, and gradient errors. Also, our RGB guided JPEG artifacts removal network restores the damaged alpha mattes from compressed images in JPEG format.

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