
We present an analysis of Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) calibration photometry of the old open cluster M67 (NGC 2682). The proper motion-cleaned color-magnitude diagram (CMD) resulting from these data extends ~3 magnitudes deeper than one based on data from the point source catalog. The CMD extends from above the helium-burning red clump to a faint limit that is more than 7 magnitudes below the main sequence turnoff in the Ks band. After adopting a reddening of E(B-V) = 0.041 +/- 0.004 and a metal abundance of [Fe/H] = -0.009 +/- 0.009 based on a survey of published values, we fit the unevolved main sequence of M67 to field main sequence stars with 2MASS photometry and Hipparcos parallaxes. This analysis yields distance moduli of (m-M)Ks = 9.72 +/- 0.05 and (m-M)o = 9.70 +/- 0.05, which are consistent with published values. We compare the theoretical isochrones of Girardi et al. and Dotter et al. to the CMD of M67 and comment on the relative merits of each set of models. These comparisons suggest an age between 3.5 and 4.0 Gyr for M67. The depth of the M67 data make them ideal for the calibration of a new age indicator that has recently been devised by Calamida et al.- the difference in (J-Ks) color between the main sequence turnoff (TO) and the point on the lower main sequence where it turns down (TD) and becomes nearly vertical [D(J-Ks)]. Coupled with deep 2MASS photometry for three other open clusters, NGC 2516, M44, and NGC 6791, we calibrate D(J-Ks) in terms of age and find D(J-Ks) = (3.017 +/- 0.347) - (0.259 +/- 0.037)*Log Age (yrs).

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