
Abstract: Political dedicationpo KH. Hasyim Asyari is considered very influential in realizing Indonesia's independence. His national and religious spirit was seen as a boomerang for the colonialists. So that there was a rebellion from the colonialists to get rid of KH. Hasyim Asyari and his students, by burning several books to burn the boarding school in Tebuireng. This paper argues that KH. Hasyim Asyari, who was born from a pesantren base, succeeded in making the colonialists angry with his strict nature. The method used in this paper is from a historical and socialist perspective. The discussion started from the spirit of KH. Hasyim Asyari in fighting for Indonesian independence which is considered very influential on the unity and integrity of Muslims. The most important focus of this paper is when the colonial attacks carried out after the establishment of the power of the Islamic boarding schools to help Indonesian independence. The findings of this paper show that the various attacks from the colonial era will never dampen national spirit. KH. Hasyim Asyari in fighting him, because he had a tough and firm character to be able to defend Indonesia's independence. So that the resistance and strategy of him and the students he leads become very valuable and highly dedicated in realizing and maintaining the unity of this nation.


  • PENDAHULUAN Tulisan ini membahas tentang spirit KH

  • Hasyim Asyari is considered very influential in realizing Indonesia's independence

  • Hasyim Asyari, who was born from a pesantren base, succeeded in making the colonialists angry with his strict nature

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Syafiatul Umma

PENDAHULUAN Tulisan ini membahas tentang spirit KH. Hasyim Asyari dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia utamanya dalam bidang politik. Hasyim Asy‟ari mengenai kebangsaan mengacu pada ide-ide politiknya yang dapat menyatukan umat Islam Indonesia untuk melawan Kolonialisme, seperti mendirikan Pesantren, Ormas NU, dan organisasi lainnya untuk wadah menjaga persatuan. Hasyim Asy‟ari berangkat ke Mekkah untuk mengembara dalam rangka memperdalami ilmu agama dan berguru kepada Syekh Mahfudh AtTarmisi yang berasal dari Tremas, Jawa Timur. Makkah adalah tempat lahirnya agama Islam dan pertemuan kaum muslimin disaat musim haji, di Mekkah banyak terdapat sejumlah ulama internasional, sebagian dari mereka ada yang berasal dari Indonesia dan memiliki geneologi keilmuan yang tidak terputus dengan kyai-kyai di pondok pesantren di Indonesia. Juga sebagai bentuk persatuan kekuatan untuk melawan serangan dari konolial

Kolonial dan Pembakaran Pesantren
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