
Ash and sulfur caused low calorific value of coal and difficult to ignite the coal. The ash of the combustion product will pollute the environment. Through the conducted experiments the results of sulfur analysis on the coal tested were obtained. Five (5) experiments were conducted with different sample weights in the laboratory. In sample 1, the weight of the original coal sample of 0.2500 grams generated a level of sulfur content of 1.23%. In sample 2, the sample weight of 0.2500 grams of coal + 5ml of oil generated a level of sulfur content of 0.976%. In Sample 3, Coal + 10 ml of oil, where the sample weight was 0.2500 grams generated a level of sulfur content of 0.802%. In Sample 4, Coal + 15ml of oil, where sample weight was 0.2500 grams generated sulfur content of 0.609%. In Sample 5, Coal + 20 ml of “minyak jelantah” (used cooking oil), where the sample weight was 0.2500 grams generated a sulfur content of 0.428% and also a decrease in the value of the ash content. The coal was originally 62.80 and after the addition of refined” minyak jelatah” (used cooking oil) the lowest value generated was 35.78.

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