
Decreases in Colwell bicarbonate soil test P in the years after applying single (ordinary) superphosphate, and the residual value of superphosphate, was measured in a long-term field experiment on a duplex (texture contrast) soil (sand over lateritic ironstone gravel clay sand at 10–15 cm), at Wongan Hills, Western Australia, typical of many soils used to grow crops in Western Australia. Ten levels of P (0–91 kg P ha-1) were applied once only in late May to different plots in different years from 1988 to 1993. Wheat (Triticum aestivum), or lupin ( Lupinus angustifolius)) were sown in late May of each year, when the P treatments applied that year were banded (drilled) with the seed. Soil samples were collected each June to measure soil test P. Seed (grain) yields of the crops were measured each December. The residual value (RV) of P applied in previous years was calculated relative to P applied in the current year, using grain yields (RVyield) and soil test P (RVsoil). Soil test P measured on soil samples collected in June was related to yields measured in December that year to provide soil P test calibrations. Relative to P applied in the current year, soil test P decreased by between 15 to 30% for P applied one year previously, by 25 to 30% for P applied three years previously, and by 60 to 70% for P applied six years previously. Soil test P was affected by spatial variation, and it also varied in the different years, for P applied in the current year, one year previously, two years previously, etc. Compared with P applied in the current year, mean RVyield determined in the different years decreased by about 40% one year after P application, followed by a further 20% decrease for P applied two years previously, followed by a further 20% decrease for P applied three to five years previously. Relative to current P, RVsoil decreased by about 25% one year after P application, followed by a further 20% for P applied two years previously, followed by a further 10% for P applied three years ago, and followed by a further 6% for P applied four and five years ago. As measured in the different years, the soil P test calibration varied between years for P applied one, two etc. years previously. This was so even when the same cultivar of wheat was grown at the same site in different years.

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