
Citrulline-containing proteins, mainly originating from keratin K1 and formed by enzymatic deimination of arginine residues, have been identified in the cornified layers of human epidermis. We analyzed the localization and nature of the deiminated proteins in psoriatic epidermis. Immunostaining based on chemical modification of citrulline residues showed that the normal and psoriatic uninvolved epidermis contained deiminated proteins diffusely in the cornified cell layer, whereas the involved epidermis had no detectable or markedly reduced levels of deiminated proteins. Immunolabeling with polyclonal antibodies against a synthetic citrulline-containing peptide corresponding to a deiminated sequence of mouse K1 also suggested markedly decreased deiminated K1 in psoriatic involved lesions. Keratin analyses indicated that deiminated K1 present in normal and psoriatic uninvolved epidermis was not detected in the psoriatic involved epidermis. Double staining with a monoclonal antibody, 34betaB4, and the polyclonal antibodies demonstrated that epidermis with low suprabasal keratin expression was negative for deiminated K1. In contrast, intralesional acrosyringia showing decreased suprabasal keratin immunoreactivity like that of the surrounding psoriatic epidermis showed strong deiminated K1 staining. This suggests that abnormal keratin deimination is restricted to the psoriatic hyperproliferative epidermis, without affecting sweat ductal epithelia.

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