
Single-dose azithromycin therapy has recently been used in Uruguay for the treatment of uncomplicated gonococcal infections. As part of an active surveillance study to monitor the emergence of antibiotic resistance in gonococcal isolates, we examined the levels of azithromycin susceptibility in 51 consecutive isolates obtained from males with uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis. Isolates with decreased susceptibility to azithromycin (MICs, 0.25 to 0.5 microg/ml) were common, and these isolates often displayed cross-resistance to hydrophobic antimicrobial agents (erythromycin and Triton X-100). Resistance to erythromycin and Triton X-100 is frequently due to overexpression of the mtrCDE-encoded efflux pump mediated by mutations in the mtrR gene, which encodes a transcriptional repressor that modulates expression of the mtrCDE operon. Accordingly, we questioned whether clinical isolates that express decreased azithromycin susceptibility harbor mtrR mutations. Promoter mutations that would decrease the level of expression of mtrR as well as a missense mutation at codon 45 in the mtrR-coding region that would result in a radical amino acid replacement within the DNA-binding motif of MtrR were found in these strains. When these mutations were transferred into azithromycin-susceptible strain FA19 by transformation, the susceptibility of gonococci to azithromycin was decreased by nearly 10-fold. The mtrCDE-encoded efflux pump system was responsible for this property since insertional inactivation of the mtrC gene resulted in enhanced susceptibility of gonococci to azithromycin. We conclude that the mtrCDE-encoded efflux pump can recognize azithromycin and that the emergence of gonococcal strains with decreased susceptibility to azithromycin can, in part, be explained by mtrR mutations.

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