
Chronic neuroleptic treatment produces a movement disorder in rats characterized by vacuous chewing movements (VCMs). Neuroleptics also produce a variety of changes in opioid neurotransmission in several regions of the basal ganglia. Rats with the VCM syndrome show elevated mRNA for enkephalin in striatopallidal neurons, suggesting a possible role for enkephalin in the pathophysiology of VCMs. This study investigated the role of mu-opioid receptor density in the basal ganglia on the expression of VCMs. Rats were treated with haloperidol for 24 weeks and withdrawn for 9 weeks. Mu (m) receptors were labeled with [3H]-DAMGO. Haloperidol treatment produced a significant reduction in mu-receptor binding in the globus pallidus (P<0.05). There was, however, no relationship between mu-opioid receptor density and VCMs in this or any other region of the basal ganglia. These results replicate prior findings of a neuroleptic-induced reduction in [3H]-DAMGO binding in the globus pallidus. The lack of association between VCMs and [3H]-DAMGO binding in the globus pallidus or any other region suggests that prior reports of enkephalinergic mRNA changes in the striatum are not accompanied by compensatory changes in postsynaptic neurons.

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