
DecoWind is a 3-year Danish research project whose goal is to devise advanced control strategies for wind turbines and farms for minimizing their acoustic impact. Noise propagation models (Nord2000 and WindStar) are verified through dedicated measurement campaigns onshore. Long-range offshore measurements are also conducted to understand these specific conditions. A Parabolic Equation method for noise propagation, which have mostly been restricted to academic use in the past, is integrated into an engineering context for wind farm control. This framework can be used to define a wind farm optimal control strategy. The energy production is maximized while limiting the noise impact at dwellings, depending on the considered site, by operating the turbines using their different noise operational modes. This framework is demonstrated through numerical test-cases. In addition, a public survey is conducted to assess the socio-acoustical impact of wind turbine noise, looking at several factors. The ultimate goal is to produce a set of recommendations regarding wind turbine noise regulations that would connect the new engineering design capabilities and the findings regarding public annoyance. The project is a collaboration between DTU, Siemens-Gamesa Renewable Energy, FORCE Technology, and EMD International. In this contribution, the main achievements of the project are summarized.

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