
The DECOVALEX Project is an on-going international research collaboration, established in 1992, to advance the understanding and modeling of coupled Thermal (T), Hydrological (H), Mechanical (M) and Chemical (C) processes in geological in geological systems. DECOVALEX was initially motivated by the recognition that prediction of these coupled effects is an essential part of the performance and safety assessment of geologic disposal systems for radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. Later it was realized that these processes also play a critical role in other subsurface engineering activities, such as subsurface CO2 storage, enhanced geothermal systems, and unconventional oil and gas production through hydraulic fracturing. Research teams from many countries (e.g., Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States) various institutions have participated in the DECOVALEX Project over the years, providing a wide range of perspectives and solutions to these complex problems. These institutions represent radioactive waste management organizations, national research institutes, regulatory agencies, universities, as well as industry and consulting groups. The overall aim of DECOVALEX-2019 was to increase the understanding of various thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes of importance for radionuclide release and transport from a repository to the biosphere and how they can be described and modelled using mathematical models. The scientific and technical objectives are: to increase the basic understanding of T-H-M-C coupled processes in fractured rocks (crystalline, sedimentary, argillaceous) and buffer materials; to investigate the predictive capabilities of different codes to field experiments and to perform verification of codes; to exchange experimental data, and improve the understanding of the constitutive behavior of crystalline and argillaceous rock masses and buffer materials; and to perform THMC calculations in a performance/safety assessment context.

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