
Increased attention has been directed toward generating nonequilibrium hot carriers resulting from the decay of collective electronic oscillations on metal known as surface plasmons. Despite numerous experimental endeavors, demonstrating hot carrier-mediated photocatalysis without a heating contribution has proven challenging, particularly for single electron transfer reactions where the thermal contribution is generally detrimental. An innovative engineering solution is proposed to enable single electron transfer reactions with plasmonics. It consists of a photoelectrode designed as an energy filter and photocatalysis performed with light function modulation instead of continuously. The photoelectrode, consisting of FTO/TiO2 amorphous (10 nm)/Au nanoparticles, with TiO2 acting as a step-shape energy filter to enhance hot electron extraction and charge-separated state lifetime. The extracted hot electrons were directed toward the counter electrode, while the hot holes performed a single electron transfer oxidation reaction. Light modulation prevented local heat accumulation, effectively decoupling hot carrier catalysis from the thermal contribution.

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