
SUMMARY Delineation of detailed mantle structure frequently requires the separation of source signature and structural response from seismograms recorded at teleseismic distances. This deconvolution problem can be posed in a log-spectral domain where the operation of time-domain convolution is reduced to an additive form. The introduction of multiple events recorded at many stations leads to a system of consistency equations that must be honoured by both the source time functions and the impulse responses associated with propagation paths between sources and receivers. The system is inherently singular, and stabilization is accomplished through the supply of an initial estimate of the source time function. Although alternative choices exist, an effective estimate is derived from the eigenimage associated with the largest eigenvalue in a singular-value decomposition of the suite of aligned seismograms corresponding to a given event. The relation of the deconvolution scheme to simultaneous least-squares deconvolution is examined. Application of the methodology to broadband teleseismic P waveforms recorded on the Canadian National Seismograph Network demonstrates the retrieval of effective Green's functions including secondary phases associated with upper-mantle structure.

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