
Abstract We propose a conjectural semiorthogonal decomposition for the derived category of the moduli space of stable rank 2 bundles with fixed determinant of odd degree, independently formulated by Narasimhan. We discuss some evidence for and furthermore propose semiorthogonal decompositions with additional structure. We also discuss two other decompositions. One is a decomposition of this moduli space in the Grothendieck ring of varieties, which relates to various known motivic decompositions. The other is the critical value decomposition of a candidate mirror Landau–Ginzburg model given by graph potentials, which in turn is related under mirror symmetry to Muñoz’s decomposition of quantum cohomology. This corresponds to an orthogonal decomposition of the Fukaya category. We discuss how decompositions on different levels (derived category of coherent sheaves, Grothendieck ring of varieties, Fukaya category, quantum cohomology, critical sets of graph potentials) are related and support each other.

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