
Ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts are one of the most commonly used class of catalysts. There are multiple reviews on their uses in various branches of chemistry and other sciences but a detailed review of their decomposition is missing, despite a large number of recent and important advances in this field. In particular, in the last five years several new mechanism of decomposition, both olefin-driven as well as induced by external agents, have been suggested and used to explain differences in the decomposition rates and the metathesis activities of both standard, N-heterocyclic carbene-based systems and the recently developed cyclic alkyl amino carbene-containing complexes. Here we present a review which explores the last 30 years of the decomposition studied on ruthenium olefin metathesis catalyst driven by both intrinsic features of such catalysts as well as external chemicals.


  • While the importance of ruthenium for oleffiin metathesis, one of the most prominent methods to form new C–C bonds, was realized already in the 1960s [1,2], the true dawn of the ruthenium-driven metathesis oolleeffiinnccaatatalylysissiscacmame einin1919929w2 iwthitthhethsyenstyhnetshisesoifsthoef ftihrestfiwrsetll-wdelfli-ndeedficnoemdpcloemx [p3l]e.xTh[3is]

  • Gibbs free energy barrier (Scheme 4). These findings were further supported by experimental data from decomposition experiments of Hoveyda-Grubbs and usually more stable cyclic alkyl amino carbene (CAAC) catalysts [37]

  • The influence of amines on the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction were tested (Scheme 27) and the results showed an accelerated catalyst degradation compared to the control reaction

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While the importance of ruthenium for oleffiin metathesis, one of the most prominent methods to form new C–C bonds, was realized already in the 1960s [1,2], the true dawn of the ruthenium-driven metathesis oolleeffiinnccaatatalylysissiscacmame einin1919929w2 iwthitthhethsyenstyhnetshisesoifsthoef ftihrestfiwrsetll-wdelfli-ndeedficnoemdpcloemx [p3l]e.xTh[3is]. 2 of 56 2 of 60 ccaattaallyyssttss aasswweellllaasssesveverearlacl hcehmemiciaclaglrgoruopusptshatht aatreanreotncootmcopmatipbaletibwleithwtihthemth. SScchheemmaattiiccrreepprreesseennttaattiioonn ooff tthhee mmeettaatthheessiiss ccaattaallyyttiicc ccyyccllee;; ((aa)) iinniittiiaattiioonn,, ((bb,,cc)) pprrooppaaggaattiioonn. The review is oorrggaanized iinn tthhee ffoollloowwiinngg mmaannnneerr. We provide a summary and a future outlook for the decomposition studies of this important family of widely used catallyyssttss. IInn tthhiiss sseeccttiioonn wwee ddeessccrriibbee tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ssttaattee ooff kknnoowwlleeddggee ffoorr tthhee nnoonn--ssppeecciifificc ddeeccoommppoossiittiioonn rroouutteess ooff rruutthheenniiuumm mmeettaatthheessiiss ccaattaallyyssttss. TThheessee iinncclluuddee aallll tthhee ddeeccoommppoossiittiioonn ppaatthhwwaayyss wwhhiicchh aarree ddrriivveenn bbyyeexxteternrnaal lagaegnetnstasnadnddodnootndoetpdenepdeonndthoensptheecifispcefceiaftiucrfeesaotuf rceesrtaoifnccearttaaliynstcsabtualtyasrtes pboustsiabrlee pfoorsasilbl lceatfaolryasltlscdautaelytostsstrduucetutorasltfreuacttuurreasl afenadtumreestaatnhdesmisemtaetchheasnisismmeschshaanriesmd sbyshaalrl eodf tbhyemall. TThheessee iinncclluuddee aallll tthhee ddeeccoommppoossiittiioonn ppaatthhwwaayyss wwhhiicchh aarree ddrriivveenn bbyyeexxteternrnaal lagaegnetnstasnadnddodnootndoetpdenepdeonndthoensptheecifispcefceiaftiucrfeesaotuf rceesrtaoifnccearttaaliynstcsabtualtyasrtes pboustsiabrlee pfoorsasilbl lceatfaolryasltlscdautaelytostsstrduucetutorasltfreuacttuurreasl afenadtumreestaatnhdesmisemtaetchheasnisismmeschshaanriesmd sbyshaalrl eodf tbhyemall. of them

Olefin-Driven Self-Degradations
Alcohol and Alkoxy-Driven Decomposition
C-H Activation
Conclusions and Future Outlook
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