
The purpose was to study the patterns of dissolution (solubilization) of phosphorus-containing minerals in aqueous and polysaccharide solutions of organic acids in order to model the mechanism of mineral destruction by soil bacteria synthesizing organic acids and exopolysaccharides. Methods. Model, laboratory-analytical, microbiological, statistical. Results. The destructive effect of organic acids on minerals is manifested both in aqueous and polysaccharide solutions. The introduction of bacterial polysaccharide into an aqueous solution of acids increases the decomposition of phosphorus-containing minerals by 1.34̶ 4.96 times. The influence of the chemical structure of acid molecules on the intensity of mineral decomposition is mainly manifested in the presence of bacterial polysaccharide, while in an aqueous solution the effectiveness of acid action depends on the nature of the mineral being destroyed. To the maximum degree, polysaccharide increases the destruction of minerals in a solution of citric acid: molten magnesium phosphate ̶ 2.55 times, thermophosphate ̶ 2.11 times, phosphate flour ̶ 4.96 times. Decomposition of phosphorus compounds in solutions of ascorbic and oxalic acids enhances bacterial polysaccharide to a lesser extent than in citric acid solution. Modeling the destruction of phosphorus-containing minerals under non-sterile conditions (soil conditions) made it possible to establish that organic acids under non-sterile conditions are subject to consumption by soil microbiota, especially ascorbic and citric acids, and to a lesser extent - succinic. Aqueous solutions of organic acids after 18 hours of incubation in non-sterile conditions lose their leaching activity by 1.06 ̶12.1 times. The introduction of a polysaccharide into aqueous solutions of acids makes it possible to avoid their rapid consumption by microorganisms, because of which the efficiency of mineral leaching under non-sterile conditions decreasшes by only 5–20% compared to sterile ones. Conclusions. The introduction of a bacterial polysaccharide into a solution of organic acids enables the latter to be transferred to a sorbed state, as a result of which their susceptibility to consumption by microorganisms is sharply reduced. Thus, polysaccharide-forming bacteria not only destroy minerals more intensively than microorganisms synthesizing only low-molecular-weight metabolites, but also synthesize a more stable and long-term functioning leaching complex in the soil.

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