
Biomass transfer or cultivation of leguminous trees has higher eco-friendly profiles for soil nutrients restoration especially nitrogen. The research is conducted on decomposition and nitrogen release patterns of Parkia biglobosa and Albizia lebbeck leaves with nitrogen fertilizer for maize production in sudan savannah alfisol of Nigeria. Data were analysed using (ANOVA). 56 % of N in the litter bag was released the first two weeks of biomass incubation and progressively increases weeks after planting. Decomposition rate constant (KD) ranged from 9.18 to 15.07 week-1 and the rates of plant residues was higher in Albizia lebbeck than Parkia biglobosa in both seasons. Nitrogen release rate constant (KN), ranging from 7.82 to 10.81 week-1 followed a similar pattern as the rate of decomposition with Albizia lebbeck releasing the highest amount of N followed by Parkia lebbeck . The rate of decomposition increased as week increased. Incorporation of Albizia lebbeck had significantly higher effect (p < 0.05) on growth parameter and yield component compared to Parkia biglobosa . The study concluded that Albizia lebbeck decomposed and mineralized faster for crop uptake under sudan savanna conditions. The study suggests that incorporation of Albizia lebbeck and up to 40 kg N ha-1 is a better combination for soil quality improvement and maize productivity in Makera, a semi-arid environment of Nigeria.

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