
In 1997 and 1998, field studies on exposed rat carcasses were conducted in Opava, the Czech Republic, to describe the decomposition process and Coleoptera succession patterns. Coleoptera assemblages were monitored during three 40-d succession series conducted in spring, summer and autumn in two different habitats: meadow and deciduous forest. The rate of decomposition was studied in carcasses open to insects and isolated from them. The stages of decomposition recognised in this study follow Reed's classification: fresh, bloated, decay and dry stage. Carcass in summer decayed much faster than in spring and autumn and the decomposition of insect-free carcasses was less rapid than that of carcasses exposed to insects. A total of 145 Coleoptera species belonging to 22 families was recorded on the carcasses. The number of species in the succession series increased from the fresh stage, reached a maximum in the decay stage and gradually declined in the dry stage. The greatest diversity of Coleoptera was found in spring, followed by summer and autumn. More species were collected in forest site than in meadow. Four ecological groups, each characterised by a specific type of carrion association and varying in food specialisation and species biology, have been distinguished.

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