
Given current global crises, there is a need to move beyond the anthropocentric, reductionist and short-term vision of the world, imposed through the hegemony of Western culture. Are we still in time to change the prevailing hegemonic vision of the world and better address global crises and their local impacts? What is the role of intercultural higher education in this challenging task? We conceive this type of education for the training of future decision-makers, as well as scientists and technicians who must respond to current and future challenges in society. Therefore, we evaluate the contribution of the Indigenous Peoples Program (PPI) of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) at Universidad de Chile (UCH). We conclude that the PPI opens up possibilities for intercultural training in the FCFM, which can contribute to changing the professional and scientific performance of its graduates, opening their minds to other cultures, worldviews, values and paradigms.
 Keywords: Indigenous, Higher education, Interculturality, Indigenous communities, Discrimination
 How to ite this article: Rodríguez-Seeger, C., Sáez-Hueichapan, D., Fuenzalida-Artigas, A., Ñancupil-Quirilao, I., Lienqueo, M.E., Contreras-Painemal, C. & Díaz-Alvarado, F. 2021. Decolonizing the training of engineers and scientists: the case of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at Universidad de Chile. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South. 5(1): 87-106. DOI: 10.36615/sotls.v5i1.154.
 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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