
This chapter aims to dig deep into how science education and policy evolved during colonial India and how after independence the government made efforts to streamline the science education and initiated policy measures. The developments are categorized into four sections- evolution in the Ancient period; pre independence colonial period; post-independence till the era of liberalization; and post liberalization phase. The thinking does not only narrate the evolution and development of science education but also diagnoses the inherent issues and seeks to provide policy measures for the state and civil society to radically change the approaches in the existing system. The science policy studies can help in integrating various branches of science along with social sciences for a proper perspective of science. In developing science policy when social scientists are cooperating with scientist it helps develop a common language. Social scientist can also be an important link between the policy planners and scientist by persuading them to take the science and technology with a developmental perspective. A scientist having a policy oriented approach could create public awareness of the role of science and technology in society. Awareness could also involve consequences of such major decisions and their impact on man, society and environment. They could also be useful in pointing major gaps that exist in the area of research and development. Science and technology must not alienate tradition and culture. Science policy must integrate traditional values and culture with technology. This is possible through incorporating aspects of the traditional scientific and technological culture into current innovations for social development.

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