
A model system for decision-making support (a model of the blast-furnace process developed at Yeltsin Ural Federal University and PAO MMK) is considered. The basic model modules permit calculation of the material and thermal balances, simulation of the thermal, slag, and gas-dynamic conditions in the blast furnace, and selection of the batch composition. The model system, embodied as software, is integrated into the PAO MMK information system. The model for calculating the material and thermal balances permits determination of the Fe, S, Mn, and Ti balances. Introduction of the Slag Conditions software permits identification of the most important slag property to ensure normal slag conditions; determination of the ratio of the iron-ore materials so that the slag has the best viscosity and viscosity gradient; and the production of hot metal of the required quality. The introduction of Blast-Furnace Gas Dynamics software permits calculation and visual mapping of the gas-dynamic characteristics of the batch bed and assessment of the change in pressure difference and equilibration of the batch within individual zones of the furnace in the design period, with variation in the batch parameters and properties. The results obtained in practical use of this system are outlined. Recommendations are made regarding the solution of industrial problems.

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