
With the development of AI technology, generative AI has gradually entered the life of the public, for example, the explosion of CHAT-GPT has allowed more people to see the huge potential and obvious advantages of generative AI. However, in the process of generative AI operation, events that violate social responsibility and ethics often occur, which makes the research on the scientific and technological ethics of generative AI more urgent. In the past literature and research, many industry experts have analysed the impact of generative AI on specific industries, but everyone is or will be a user of generative AI, so we should pay attention to the study of the people's scientific and technological ethical issues of generative AI after putting aside the industry background, so this paper collects primary data by means of questionnaire surveys to find out the public's awareness of generative AI and their perception of generative AI. and attitudes towards generative AI, and using the decision tree C4.5 algorithm with Python as the tool, it is used to respond to people's awareness of generative AI and the public's perception of the relationship between the various factors of the ethical issues of

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