
Selection of the best employees at Wali Nagari is an activity carried out by the Wali Nagari by carrying out this activity to determine the best employees at the Nagari. In determining the selection of the best employee candidates in Nagari Singguling, this research uses a decision support system (SPK) concept with the TOPSIS method. The decision support system that was built can provide recommendations to Nagari for the best employee candidates at Nagari Singguling. The TOPSIS method used can carry out a calculation that begins with determining the criteria of the variables used, then creates a matrix and proceeds to the solution matrix process. In the end, the process will enter the ranking stage until the output can recommend the best prospective employees at Nagari Singguling. The results obtained in this study also provide a model or form of a semi-structured system, in determining the best prospective employees in Nagari Singguling using the TOPSIS method decision support system. The results of this study are based on data testing of 9 alternatives, it can be determined that alternative A5 on behalf of Dona Riona S.Pd is the best employee with a value of 0.63 . So that the benefit that will be obtained is to provide convenience

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