
The Decision Support System is a specialized information system designed to aid management in making effective and efficient decisions on semi-structured problems; it does not replace conventional decision-making procedures. The system that is currently running at the Cicalengka Integrated Ma'arif Vocational School has deficiencies: The process of determining teacher salary increases at the Cicalengka Integrated Ma'arif Vocational School takes more time due to the difficulty of finding data; It's easy to make mistakes because the salary increase process is done manually; It's easy to lose the raise process file. The decision-making function increase in teacher salaries at SMK Ma'arif Terpadu Cicalengka. This thesis uses a Decision Support System with the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method then the system development method uses OOAD (object-oriented analysis and design) with the RUP (Rational Unified Process) model. Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering technique created by compiling the software development industry's best practices. RUP is object-oriented, with activities centered on model development utilizing the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The final result of the Thesis and the making of applications and Decision Support Systems Assessing Performance for Salary Increases/Teachers at SMK Ma'arif Terpadu Cicalengka is a website-based application that can facilitate the process of evaluating performance for salary increases at SMK Ma' Arif Integrated Cicalengka, The Decision Support System built using the SAW method is expected to make it easier for schools to evaluate performance for teacher/manager salary increases; The Decision Support System that is built can minimize errors that occur from the performance appraisal process for teacher/manager salary increases; Can reduce the loss of archives at Integrated Cicalengka Ma'arif Vocational High School.

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