
For prospective new students often feel confused in choosing majors to continue their education at the University. The faculty of engineering is one of the favorite faculties for prospective students but sometimes most feel confused choosing what majors are in accordance with their academic abilities, so that the selection of majors often follows the choice of their closest friends or their parents’ choices. The selection of inappropriate majors will affect the future of the prospective new student. For this reason, prospective new students must know their academic abilities and interests. With a decision support system for determining majors, it is hoped that it can help prospective new students to find out the greatest potential of the choice of majors in accordance with their academic abilities and talents. Decision Support Systems made implementing the Naïve Bayes method to find out which prospective new students can potentially enter one of the departments in the technical faculty other than that the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process model is used to find out the right choice of majors. The Naïve Bayes method refers to the rules for admitting new prospective students, which will obtain the probability formula yes and the probability formula no, to be used in calculations with data samples. The AHP model refers to the value of subjects that are tested or tested on the admission test for prospective new students. Calculations using Naïve Bayes for student data samples for the 2019-2020 school year, using 10 sample data on prospective students, obtained 3 students who did not enter the department of engineering or have no academic potential to enter the department of engineering. While other students who entered were calculated using the AHP Model, and obtained 1 student whose majors were not appropriate. While other students have chosen the right majors according to their academic abilities. In the end this Decision Support System can be used to find out which potential new students are potential and who have no potential and can also provide recommendations for the selection of the right majors in accordance with the academic abilities of prospective new students.

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